Monday, January 9, 2017

the overwhelming reality of my hobbies

It's more than the number of things I have sitting around half done, undone, barely started...  It's the sheer magnitude of some of these tasks.  Part of my current status of ORGANIZING MY FUCKING LIFE has been getting the books I want to read into order.  That has been an interesting endeavor.  I've managed to get the physical books we own that I want to read or re-read into chunks that can be read in 6 months - provided I read approximately 50 pages per day.  I have a year and a half worth of reading in that list alone.  That doesn't include the current list of books I'd like to get read by the end of April - and I'm behind on that, should literally just sit the fuck down and read for the next two days straight...  that also doesn't include the books on the kindles that I want to read or re-read.  I have those listed as well...  and a few of them are the first book in a series that sounded interesting...  So I have to figure all that out and get some sort of schedule thing going on so I can eek my way through that...  and it's fucking agonizing.

Then there's the music thing.
The coloring thing.
The needlepoint thing.
The fucking sewing machine behind the chair.

These are my hobbies, and they're stressing me out.
To top it all off I'm seriously considering taking up knitting.
Cause I don't already have projects I started over a decade ago (in one case over 20 fucking years ago) that still need to be finished.
I move from the hobbies to the things that need to be done around the house and I can spend an hour just telling you about the daily drama - don't get me started on the actual WORK that has to be done... and I'll inevitably move from the house to the yard... the wasteland of weeds and half dead fruit trees...

If I could just quit my job and be a full time housewife I'd lose my sanity at the same rate but more shit would get done.

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