Monday, January 2, 2017

sophomore efforts rarely pay off

I don't watch a lot of videos online...  it's a combination of loading time and ads...  it's also usually information that could be relayed via words and pictures...  and those don't require a commercial...
But honestly, the morning time kill of social media has become a drag.  I like to spend time every morning at my desk; drink a cup of coffee, smoke a bowl and catch up with my friends and family...  but I find myself watching those damn food videos or getting sucked into stupid click bait bullshit about vintage photos, funny dogs, stupid mom texts...  then I walk away feeling I've wasted my time.  The way one person uses social media is going to be different than the expectations of their followers.  This is true for almost everyone...  I like the personal bits.  The insights into the daily lives of the people I care about.  The photos of their moments.  This is what I enjoy the most...  a pertinent article, something that touched them, these shares are good-they give me insight into how my friends think and perceive the world which broadens my own view...  but social media so often lets me down I wonder if I need more friends...  or simply more interesting friends.  People who will keep me interested instead of people I skip over so I can watch the video about the fucking polka dot cake.

New Year's Eve was loud and fun but honestly...  people always stay too late.  As soon as that ball drops-I'm done. Go home.  But I was able to sleep in and spend the day doing not much and the Christmas tree is outside on the curb waiting for the guy in his little tractor to come scoop it up.  I will eliminate the rest of Christmas today, and as we completely rearranged the living room to accommodate the tree I will put it all back the way it's supposed to be.  Unfortunately the spousal unit does not return to the office until tomorrow and due to the temperature he will probably work from home in the house today instead of out in his home office...  when he's home my motivation drops.

It's interesting how that happens.  I have gotten better over time, but when I'm home alone-or just with the boy-I have no problem getting gads of things accomplished.  The moment the spousal unit is in the house all motivation goes out the window.  I find myself literally sitting at my desk staring at the pile of immediate projects on the side table.  I can think circles around myself and plan out all sorts of things but I cannot act upon them.

I fucking hate it.
I hate it so much.
I wish I knew what it was that way.
Maybe it's because he's just sitting there doing whatever he wants...  watching what he wants, playing what he wants...  and by doing work around him I get pissed that he's not doing anything...  so it's easier to just do the same thing...  sit on my ass and watch what I want, play what I want...  but then I start to feel bad because so much shit isn't getting done.

...and he wonders why I value my alone time so much.
My alone time is my productive time.

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