Monday, January 23, 2017

don't alienate the white woman

You are so beautiful, and you are so intelligent.
Twenty something of Latin and Scandinavian descent...
You've spent your entire life in the Southern United States...
You've come out as bisexual, and have even begun experimenting with your gender identity.
You worship old gods, some would call them dead.

You need to stop stomping all over cisgendered white women.
You have to.
You're killing your allies.

This fight is not for or about people of color, immigrants, or the LGBTQ community...  this fight is not for the disabled, it's not for the women...  it's not for the veterans or the poor or any other individual community.  This fight is for every single one of us.  Maybe it took more, maybe it took longer, maybe it took this final straw to break the collective backs of white women across the country because we're more accustomed to holding our tongues and holding these burdens?

Did you ever fucking stop to think about that?


Look at the history of WHITE CISGENDER WOMEN in America and tell me we haven't been, and are not still being, oppressed.  We were oppressed before the slaves were brought here, we were oppressed on the fucking boats, before the existence of the Native Americans was even known.  We were oppressed before we came here...

You say don't compare the struggles of the Irish to the struggles of the African.
Read your history little girl.
Your white cisgender female friends aren't riding the coattails of their minority counterparts.  Every advancement in women's rights and equality in this country was not because of a woman of color or a woman of the LGBTQ community.

Read your history little girl and understand that the group longest oppressed in this great fucked up nation of ours is not you - it's us.  WOMEN. PERIOD.  No qualifiers.  Just the presence of a fucking uterus.

This goes back so far that any division within our ranks is despicable.
We are oppressed all over the world.
We were oppressed by our own men before the knowledge of other races existed.
We were lower than slaves, then the same as slaves, then perhaps slightly higher...  property?  Yes.
We are women.
That's all that matters.

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