Wednesday, March 21, 2018

random workplace rumbling

The unfortunate side effect of having most of my best thoughts in the morning is that finding uninterrupted morning time to write is incredibly difficult.  I am, however, making strides in solidifying my morning routine in an effort to not only get things accomplished so they're not hanging over my head all day - after all who likes to come home from a long day at work and spend an hour doing chores before they get to take off their shoes?  I'll slowly start adapting my wake up time until I'm getting the chores accomplished before the boy wakes up so that I can spend that time writing - or reading, but while I adapt I'm left unwilling to open this page for fear of not being able to say what I want to...  of course today that urge is too great.

I'm incredibly irritated about some decisions that were made at work.

A major surgery is being done today at our sister clinic and in the interest of having things run smoothly we're sending an extra person.  This way our technician can assist in the surgery without having to worry about answering phones or helping with clients.  The surgeon who is coming in is rather exacting and only a few of us can comfortably work with him - the doctor who works at the other clinic is useless with customer service and won't assist the surgeon, will instead hover and ask a hundred questions while the technician does the bulk of the work.

In my mind it made more sense to schedule the surgery for the main clinic, where the staff is already in place.  Instead, we lose a tech at our busier location and now I go in to work an hour early. 

This is the one night a week we are open late - we close at 8:00pm.  I typically work from 11:00-8:00, closing the clinic every Wednesday.  I don't generally take issue with this, even though I don't get home until almost nine, have a child in elementary school, and despite such a late start my day still begins at 6:20.

Going in an hour early wouldn't be a big deal...  if it were rather infrequent.  However, it seems like every time I turn around I'm going in at 10:00.  If I get a long lunch I'm able to come home at lunch - but then half of my lunch hour is spent in the car driving back and forth.  Or I can pull an hour of overtime but the schedule is rarely busy enough to warrant that and as nice as the money may be I have no desire to work a 9+ hour shift.

I'm irritated, almost pissed off.  I'm the only staff member with a kid.  I've worked at this particular clinic longer than anyone else.  Not only that...  but I've been in this industry for 15 years and that, my friends, is more than my co-workers - combined.

So please tell me why the fuck I have this shitty shift and have to go play the game an hour earlier than usual?  Cause I'm  tired of it...  and sincerely cannot wait for the day my husband tells me to quit giving him money every month for the mortgage so I can cut my hours and stop working on Wednesdays... 

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