Friday, August 4, 2017

the horrible fucked up shitty ass no good week

This has been one hell of a week.
Wednesday I seriously considered calling in sick to work...  I had forgotten that one of my co-workers is on vacation this week so it wouldn't have worked anyway, but the whole reason I went in there was because I was expecting my cat's ashes back that day.  I'd been told a week before that he'd be brought in that day...  and he wasn't.  I was livid, and I was horrifically sad.  I cried for hours.  I made it through the day, including the last minute appointment that ensured I stayed until almost nine pm.  The appointment included blood, urine, x-rays, fluid administration and fine needle aspirate of multiple lumps.  We got all the results in today, conclusive.  Lymphoma.  He's dieing.  He's a great dog.  I'm sad.
Yesterday my friend died in my arms.  My canine friend.  Ten years old, Golden Retriever, cancer.  Fuck cancer.  His mom and dad stayed until he was sedated so I lay down next to him, wrapped my arms around him, put my head on his and told him how loved he was while he took his final breath.  I stayed with him a few moments after and cried.  I will miss him so much.
I was also inches away from a terrible collision moments after leaving work.  Someone thought making a right hand turn in front of me would be a good idea, luckily I had just enough room, when I swerved to avoid him, I got the car back into the right hand lane and regained control instantly.  Although for a split second I was afraid my car was gonna fall onto its side.
Today the window guys came in to get exact measurements so they can order the new windows we're finally getting.  I'm looking forward to not having to wipe the condensation off the windows every day this winter.  Hopefully we don't have a recurrence of the mold issue we had last winter.  That was horrific, but easily dealt with and only surface mold from the moisture collecting in the drapes and running down the wall to the tops of the baseboards behind the bed.  So nasty.  Anyway...  the window guys have informed us that we can't have the windows that I want, not my first choice, not my second choice, in any of the bedrooms.  Because?  Egress.  There's some law, whether it's city, county, state or whatever that says I need a certain square footage when the window is open in order to facilitate egress.  In other words: the window needs to be big enough for someone to get out of the house if there's a fire or other event.
So I'm not excited about the windows.
I don't fucking care anymore.
We need new windows, so we will get new windows.
It's like buying new scrubs for work, or school uniforms for the boy.
I'm sad that I'm no longer excited about this thing I've wanted and waited for for a year-and-a-half.
I want my fucking cat.

I did get my new computer on Thursday, it's in a box under my bed.
I also got a raise on Wednesday, so that was pretty awesome.
Today I get the evening to myself after I put the boy to bed because the spousal unit is out.  Time to myself is precious during summer vacation - I am grateful for this.

However...  my plans of coming home from work tomorrow and spending the evening cleaning my desk and setting up my new computer and speaker system have been completely blown to hell because my mother-in-law wants to take us out to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes.
I wonder what fucking coupon she found.
I don't like her.  I don't want to spend any time with her and having to go out to dinner with her sounds like the perfect way to end this horrible fucked up week.
At least I spent less at the grocery store than I anticipated.  I buy a ham tomorrow and maybe I'll have enough money leftover to at least do one more fun thing with the boy before he starts school...  which reminds me.  I'll have to leave notes for my husband about school supplies and uniforms...

Tomorrow is another busy day and I'm not happy about it and I want this week to be over.  Over-time aside, I'm sick to death of being at work and I want to take a week off, send my family to Siberia and sit around the house with the cats doing whatever the fuck I want for seven days.

Never happen.

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