I have this blind determination to be super productive without going on and on about my levels of productivity or even showing what I've accomplished that day. I want my husband to just intuitively understand that things are better when I'm home more.
I'll be honest. I have that dread of going to work tomorrow even though I know I get to take a walk downtown and clean the bathroom.
Today I cleaned the top shelf in my closet, re-organized it, left the rest of the closet a mess. Cast a single candle - leaving the rest of the candle stuff in semi-disarray, and stuck to my schedule.
Every day that I've had off some big change has happened. Sunday I took down the Christmas decorations, Monday I re-did the cat-boxes and today I re-arranged the living room to it's regular configuration now that the holidays are over.
I have plans and things scheduled. I have Christmas money still burning a hole in my purse but I'm determined to leave things that I purchase in the trunk of the car, bringing them in one or two items at a time every week or two so my husband doesn't freak out about me spending a lot of money when I'm not working as much and he knows I have a balance on my credit card.
The dread of going to work tomorrow is being tempered by the knowledge that I don't.
Not only do I not have to but when I do go to work I get to spend two days in a slower paced environment and a third to a half of my shift will be down time that I can spend cleaning, working on my loom bracelets and reading.
My to-do list is almost taken care of and if I play my cards right I can go to work on Thursday with a clean slate.
That will be an incredibly good feeling.
Here's hoping tomorrow is as productive as I hope it to be... and who knows... I may stay up all night hemming this curtain so I can hang it in the kitchen and get rid of those fucking miniblinds.
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